
In 2010, I began a foundational training in movement therapy and myo-fascial bodywork called Rolfing / Structural Integration at the Guild for Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado. At this time in my life, I was simultaneously going through a profound transition within a three month span as I experienced the death of my mother and became pregnant with my first baby.  Being intimate with these cycles of death and birth in my life with such paradoxical nature, gave me a invaluable gift to feel the depths of sorrow as well as the blissful joy that our human experience can be — even within one year, one day, one breath cycle.

This immense transition and desire for healing in my body and spirit led me to follow my interest in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. I found both of my primary teachers Todd Jackson, LMT (Inner Body Integration) and Carol Gray, LMT (Infant / Child / Maternal Craniosacral Therapy ) located in Portland, Oregon.  After five years of practice, I continued on to Advanced Mentorship and Assistant CST teaching opportunities as well as specialized training in CST for Breastfeeding Issues with Alison Hazelbaker PhD, IBCLC and currently a Certified Lactation Educator training with Birth Arts Org. 

In 2020, I relocated to the Olympic Peninsula with my partner Joshua and our two children Kestrel and Yoav. As a family we enjoy the wildly beautiful coastal landscape with the serene Madrona trees, spending time roaming the beaches of Marrowstone Island and dreaming up new adventures that bring us  into intimate connection with our new home. After ten years of practice, it brings me joy to open an office in Port Townsend, Washington that serves families across the spectrum of life.

I am deeply committed to the organic process of growth that happens over time for individuals when we commit to building community together.   


 “Being witnessed without judgement and with total acceptance for what is presenting in the moment amplifies your body’s innate healing abilities”